It is there as an example only since custom folders must be created by the user. NOTE: My Preferred Folder does not exist by default in Gmail. When you find the email from The Save Wizard Team.If you do not find an email from The Save Wizard Team, please check the Spam Folder:.If you are using Gmail Tabs such as “Promotions” please open your Promotions tab in Gmail.If you are using the Gmail Mobile App on your mobile device, please open the app now.custom folders must be created by the user. If The Save Wizard Team does not appear in the dropdown list? Then you probably have already added The Save Wizard Team to Contacts.Click the “Add The Save Wizard Team to Contacts List” from the list that appears.Click the drop down arrow next to “Reply” in the upper right side the email from header.Open the email from The Save Wizard Team.Click the button on the toolbar, labeled Not spam.If you see the email from The Save Wizard Team: Open the Email.If you do not readily find an email from The Save Wizard Team….

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